В этом разделе представлены модели аксессуаров для оформления заказа в индивидуальном цвете.
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Войтиул. Радищева, д. 17-19 (метро пл. Восстания, Чернышевская) Часы работы: ежедневно 11-21
Санкт-Петербург: 8(812)748-24-46
Москва: 8(499)638-23-26
Наш шоу-рум удобно расположен в самом центре Санкт-Петербурга, все изделия здесь можно посмотреть, потрогать и примерить.
Точная стоимость и ориентировочные сроки доставки будут рассчитаны в самом начале оформления заказа, в зависимости от веса и адреса доставки.
Всё просто: Вы оформляете заказ, мы отправляем его по Почте, Вы получаете заказ в своём почтовом отделении. Срок получения от 7 до 14 дней, в зависимости от пункта назначения. Стоимость доставки рассчитывается автоматически при оформлении заказа
В нашем шоу-руме можно оплатить наличными и картами Visa & Mastercard.
Мы принимаем все виды онлайн платежей и банковские карты, оплата проходит по защищеным каналам через сервис RBK Money.
Наличными курьеру можно оплатить в Питере и Москве.
Мы хотим, чтобы Вы получали удовольствие от использования наших вещей, поэтому мы даём смелые гарантии на все изделия. Законный срок гарантии – 40 дней. Мы идём дальше и расширяем гарантийный сервис до 3 месяцев! При возникновении любых проблем с изделием, просто напишите в наш гарантийный отдел guarantee@two-ta.ru и мы оперативно решим проблему в индивидуальном порядке! Но и это ещё не всё...
подробнее о гарантияхRadisheva St. 17-19 (metro stations: Vosstaniya Square, Mayakovskaya) Working hours: opened daily from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Saint-Petersburg: +7 812 7482446
Moscow: +7 499 6382326
Our show-room is comfortably located in the very centre of Saint-Petersburg. There you can examine, touch and try all the items on.
An exact delivery cost and an approximate delivery time will be calculated at the very beginning of the process of ordering and will depend on the weight of the order and the delivery address.
That’s simple. You process the order, we post it by the Post then you deliver the order in your nearby post office. Delivery time is about 7 to 14 days, depending on delivery address. Delivery cost is calculated automatically in the process of ordering.
You can pay in cash or by credit cards (Visa & Mastercard) in our show-room.
We accept all types of online payments and credit cards. The payment is processed through safe communication paths by PayPal.
You can pay in cash to delivery man in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
We want you to enjoy our products and for this reason we provide generous guarantees for full range of our products. The lawful warranty period covers 40 days. But we don’t stop at this point and enlarge the warranty service to 3 months! In case of any trouble with the item, just connect our warranty department through e-mail: guarantee@two-ta.ru and we will tackle the problem efficiently and individually! And there’s much more you may find…
For more warranty detailsAddress delivery within 1-2 workdays. Cost 450-500 rubles. (Depends on weight)
Numerous pickup points (SDEK courier delivery service), cost 150-200 rubles. (Depends on weight), the delivery time is 2-3 working days. All points are marked on this map. You can choose the most convenient pickup point when you will be placing an order.
Address delivery within 1-2 workdays. Cost 350 rubles.
You can pickup an order from our show-room in Saint-Petersburg: Saperny pereulok 16-36. Show-room is open daily from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Depending on your city, you will be offered the available delivery methods:
Address delivery. The cost and the delivery time will be calculated automatically at the beginning of making the order.
Numerous pickup points (SDEK courier delivery service), cost from 150 rubles. Delivery time depends on the city. You can see the availability and location of pickup points in your city on this link.
We will send your order by Russian Post. Delivery cost from 220 rubles, delivery time depends on the city.
We deliver products all over the World, delivery is carried out by Russian Post or EMS (depending on the country), at the beginning of making order choose your country and you will be offered a delivery method and calculated its cost.